Residency Event March 2012 - SangriLaOpen Studio Exhibition - BeiGao Studios Feijiacun village

Date : Mar. 24, 2012
Venue : Shangri La art community, Bei Gao Studios, Feijiacun village
On March 24th, Red Gate's residents as well as Imagine Gallery's residents and some Beijing independent artists gathered to organize an Open Studio Barbecue. Beijing early spring sun was shiny for this occasion, fourteen artists from seven different countries displayed their work to the  pleasure of art professionals and visitors. 

Participating Artists ::


Filipa Reis - David Connolly
Lieke Jildou de Jong - John Label
Jeff Miller - Liao Sheng Xiang
Clemens Stecher - Jess Cally
Anne Hastie - Melissa Osborne
Ben Kenming - Jimmy Ronner
Changrag Choi - Thomas Schmidt
Photos :: Tang Zehui