Toyism Behind the Mask 面具背后的玩具主义

In the world of art, one is constantly seeking to experiment with innovative techniques and styles in a cycle of excitement and disappointment. Art has always been a process of deconstruction and reconstruction, similar to a child’s sand castle on a beach being repeatedly torn down and built back. The main purpose for an art movement is to attack the one before and start an art riot that can save the art world. The entire history of art can be seen as a series of reaction and counter-reaction. At times, movements are programmed to oppose one another.

This is certainly not the case with Toyism, a mysterious but vigorous art movement founded by artist Dejo in 1992 in the Netherlands. It is a contemporary art movement trying to rediscover the meaning of painting without the intent to overthrow postmodernism. This is the one thing that makes Toyism a stand-alone movement.

Toyism is an art movement with its own grammar characterized by vibrant colors and imaginative, often surreal, representations and stories. The Toyism movement is ambiguous. While other movements emphasize the importance of rejecting, Toyism focuses on embracing instead. Some art movements exhibit at only museums and galleries; others say that all worthy art must be in the streets. Toyism accepts both. Those who have never entered a gallery or a museum can see Toyism works in the streets and say: “Finally, art for the people!”; those who are solely gallery or museum goer’s can see Toyism works and say “Behold, this is art!”. Some might ask if the use of shapes in Toyism is influenced by graffiti or street art, but at the same time they must also question why there are beautiful animal lines in the Lascaux cave paintings. Is their fluidity not similar to the Toyism lines? Others might ask if Toyism is somewhat rooted in Surrealism in terms of mimicking the world of dreams that reveal hidden psychological mechanisms. 

There is no doubt that Toyism can be considered surrealist themed. The characteristic of Toyism is that it can adopt everything, as long as it can be translated into Toyism’s visual language. Toyism produces powerful and delicate art based on a secret manifesto called “Mother” about its ‘I Play Therefore I Am’ art and philosophy. There is nothing in it about the role of the art in the contemporary society, nor anything that can be considered a programed slogan. This pioneer manifesto is not used as a publicity stunt. It is about playing, dreaming, and everything else one can imagine.

What is Toyism in short?

Toyism emphasizes simplicity, craftsmanship and consistent colours and strong designs.

Toyism is easy viewing at first, no eye-popping colour vibration, but underneath every artwork there is a story to discover. Eyes are drawn to the allegory - keep looking and you find (or not) additional meaning in the graphic code.

Toyism is a friendly, uplifting oasis in a world that increasingly focuses on the bizarre, the violent and the freak.

Toyism’s artists and its manifesto are not about something dark, narrow, twisted, or tortured, but about life and light.

玩具主义(Toyism) 当然不是这种情况。1992年,荷兰艺术家德奥 (Dejo) 发起了一场神秘但充满活力的艺术运动。它是一场试图重新发现绘画意义的当代艺术运动,并没有推翻后现代主义的意图。这是玩具主义成为一个独立运动的原因之一。




9 am - 5 pm, Tuesday - Sunday
798 Art District,
No. 2 Jiuxianqiao Road,
Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
(+86) 137 0107 8721
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